Bring the herbal magic at home

Sitting at home and wondering how to spend time? Have you ever tried gardening? Well, if not yet then think again. You need not be a pro or an expert to take up gardening as a hobby. All you need is a little passion, a little patience, mud, pots and you are ready to grow. Now you will ponder - what can I grow at home? There numerous choices available. But to start with you can simply plant herbs that can be used to add flavour to your cuisines or as medicines. Let’s start with the most common herb and the most loved one in the Indian kitchen - Coriander. Coriander / Dhania is also known as cilantro. It is the quintessential herb that is used for garnishing dishes in Indian Cooking and is known to add freshness and colour to the food.


8/10/20233 min read

Bring the herbal magic at home
Bring the herbal magic at home

Sitting at home and wondering how to spend time? Have you ever tried gardening? Well, if not yet then think again. You need not be a pro or an expert to take up gardening as a hobby. All you need is a little passion, a little patience, mud, pots and you are ready to grow. Now you will ponder - what can I grow at home? There numerous choices available. But to start with you can simply plant herbs that can be used to add flavour to your cuisines or as medicines.
Let’s start with the most common herb and the most loved one in the Indian kitchen - Coriander.
Coriander / Dhania is also known as cilantro. It is the quintessential herb that is used for garnishing dishes in Indian Cooking and is known to add freshness and colour to the food.

How to plant coriander?

  1. Crush few coriander seeds and spread them evenly in a pot.

  2. Cover the crushed seeds with a thin layer of soil.

  3. Drench the soil regularly till germination.

  4. Since the seeds germinate quickly, you need to spread them evenly to avoid a dense growth.

  5. Remember that Coriander is a stubborn plant and might take a little while to grow.

Tip: Sow coriander before the onset of winter and enjoy a healthy yield all through winter.
Mint / Pudina is a fresh, aromatic plant.It is a staple of Indian food. It is prominently known for its metaphysical properties.

How to plant Mint?

  1. Mint grows well in shade.

  2. Plant some stalks in a pot to yield.

  3. Do not make the pot water logged.

  4. Since Mint is an invasive plant avoid planting it in a flower bed and prefer planting it independently.

  5. For optimum growth mulch the mint plant.

Tip: Use mint for various home remedies or simply add it to your drinks and savour its refreshing taste.
Haldi / Amba Haldi is a highly valuable medicinal herb. It has great uses as an effective Ayurvedic medicine.

How to plant Haldi?

  1. Outsource haldi from a grocery shop.

  2. When a small root emerges from it, you can plant it in the pot.

  3. Remember it takes nine months for Haldi to grow.

  4. Post this tenure the leaves of the plant start drying.

  5. Let them dry thoroughly and only then harvest Haldi.

Tip: Use it as an antiseptic to naturally heal wounds and bruises.
Spinach /Palak is a green leafy vegetable brimming with vitamins and iron. It is easy to grow and can be easily handled.

How to plant Spinach?

  1. Sow 1 to 2 Spinach seeds at a time.

  2. These seeds germinate very fast and hence sowing more than two will lead to crowding the plants.

  3. Too many plants in the pot will wither away due to suffocation.

Tip: Use baby leaves in salads and for preparing mouth watering cuisines to use mature and fully grown leaves.
Fenugreek / Methi is plush with nutrients and is a highly versatile herb. Like Spinach, it grows quickly and can be easily managed.

How to plant Methi?

  1. Sow a few methi seeds in a pot. Space them evenly.

  2. Cover with a layer of soil.

  3. Use water generously until germination.

  4. Remember that Methi grows best during winters. Hence, plant it before the onset of winter.

Tip: Soak methi seeds in buttermilk for 20 minutes and then savour it to cure stomach ailments. Don’t forget to chew up the seeds after drinking.
Indian Chilli Pepper /Mirchi is aptly called the queen of spices. It is a must have in the Indian cuisines and for the ones who love the tingy tangy taste.

How to plant Mirchi?

  1. Pick a dried red chilli, break it and sow the seeds.

  2. If possible, use a seed tray initially. It will help in faster germination of seeds.

  3. Post-germination transfers the delicate saplings onto a big pot.

  4. Generously supply the chilli plant with water and loads of sunlight.

  5. The Chilli plant grows in no time.

Tip: Use homegrown chillies to add the extra zing to your food or dry them to prepare chilli powder.
Holy Basil / Tulsi is worshipped religiously since time immemorial. It is an integral part of both temples and homes in India.

How to plant Tulsi?

  1. To keep the plant healthy clip the branches regularly.

  2. Pluck the dried seeds from the plant and sow them.

  3. Once the baby plants are grown, you can transplant them.

  4. Like chilli, bestow the tulsi plant with ample of water and sunlight.

Tip: Tulsi can be used as an excellent cleanser and an excellent medicinal herb to fight cold.