Everything About Growing Mogra (Arabian Jasmine) Plant

Mogra plant is dwarf growing shrub with almost stalkless leaves and wavy margins. The plant can be grown as a short climber too. The heavy scented white flowers are borne in clusters of 3 to 12 and may be single, semi-double or perfectly double. The plant flowers mainly in the summer and rainy seasons, but several other flushes during other parts of the year are quite common.


8/11/20233 min read

Everything About Growing Mogra (Arabian Jasmine) Plant
Everything About Growing Mogra (Arabian Jasmine) Plant

About Mogra plant:

Mogra plant is dwarf growing shrub with almost stalkless leaves and wavy margins. The plant can be grown as a short climber too. The heavy scentedwhite flowersare borne in clusters of 3 to 12 and may be single, semi-double or perfectly double. The plant flowers mainly in the summer and rainy seasons, but several other flushes during other parts of the year are quite common.

Different names of Mogra:

The scientific name of Mogra is Jasminum sambac; it belongs to family Oleaceae. Although native to India, it is commonly known as Arabian Jasmine. It is the double flowering types that are known as Motiya or Mogra in India. The large double flowers (Tuscan) are known by different names like Boddu malle, rai; the semi-doubles are known as dondhara malle, moturia etc.
Important Mogra Varieties:Motia, Single Mohora, Double Mohora, Khoya, Rai Japanese, Iruvatchi, Madanban, Ramabanam, Suji mallige etc.

Propagation of Mogra plant:

Mogra ispropagated by stem cuttingsof almost mature wood of old plants. The cuttings are raised in nursery beds and planted in pots after one year. The plant can also be propagated by layering, commonly ground layering. The best time for propagation by either method is the rainy season. Plants can easily be grown by root division at the time of re-potting. Seeds are rarely used for propagation.

Planting Mogra:

Once planted Mogra plant will remain in the field for 10 to 15 years. This makes it obligatory to plough the land deeply and prepare it thoroughly by ploughing and harrowing. The best time for planting in most parts of India is the monsoon. On the ground, Mogra is planted 75 cm apart in rows spaced 1 m apart.

Growing Mogra plant in a container:

Type of pot:A regular round pot of 12-inch size is ideal for growing Mogra plant. Traditionally plant is grown in an earthen pot. However, hardy plastic pots are also suitable.
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Potting soil:Mogra plant requires well-drained soil with plenty of organic matter. Two parts of loam soil and one part well-decomposedcow manuremakes an ideal potting mixture. You can buy premium garden soil mix atUgaoo.com
Sunlight:The plant requires full sunlight for best blooming. Mogra plant can also thrive very well in partial shade, which makes it a perfect plant for windowsill gardening.

Schedule of gardening practices for Mogra plant:

Watering: Moderate Watering is good for Mogra plant. It is essential in the flowering season. Mogra cannot withstand water logging and plants will be killed in the waterlogged soil in no time. Watering is stopped during November to enable the plants to rest.
Defoliation: Once the watering is stopped, the plants shed the leaves. If it does not happen, all the leaves on the plant should be removed by hand.
Pruning:Defoliation is followed by a light pruning of stems. Branches are pruned one-third of their length.
Manuring: Plenty of well-rotted farmyard manure is added to the potting soil after pruning a plant, along withNPK fertilizers.
Resumption of watering: After application of manures, irrigation should commence slowly, and the frequency of watering is increased after the appearance of flower buds.

Flowering phases of Mogra:

In blooming season of summer and monsoon, the Mogra flowers come in phases. Each phase of flowering lasts for around seven days during which the blossoms appear profusely. There is about a month between one bloom and the commencement of the next. With the close of each flowering phase, watering is wholly stopped for days together till the appearance of fresh flowering buds.

Pests and diseases in Mogra plant:

Mogra is a very hardy plant and does not catch any major diseases. Sometimes in very hot and dry climates, the disease caused by Curvularia results in loss of foliage.

Harvesting Mogra flowers:

The plant begins to flower the second year onwards after planting. The flowers are harvested in the bud stage either in the evening or early in the morning by handpicking.
Flower buds are used for garland making, adorning hair, worshipping, decoration, and extraction of perfume.

Read more about ‘Health Benefits of Mogra Flower!
Happy Gardening!

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