Growing Sage
Sage is an evergreen shrub that looks good both in the flower border and the herb garden. It has strongly aromatic leaves and is widely used in meat dishes, toppings, flavored vinegar, and sauces. Commonly Sage has gray-green color, slightly feathery leaves, but there are other varieties too: Purpurea has purple leaves; Tricolor has green leaves with Pink and White margins; Icterina has golden variegated leaves, and pineapple sage has the pineapple flavor. Buy Sage herb seeds online
8/10/20232 min read

Sage is an evergreen shrub that looks good both in the flower border and the herb garden. It has strongly aromatic leaves and is widely used in meat dishes, toppings, flavored vinegar, and sauces. Commonly Sage has gray-green color, slightly feathery leaves, but there are other varieties too: Purpurea has purple leaves; Tricolor has green leaves with Pink and White margins; Icterina has golden variegated leaves, and pineapple sage has the pineapple flavor.
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How to grow Sage herb:
Sage can be raised from seed sown in the spring, although some varieties are best grown from ready plants. The seed germinates in 10 to 21 days. It is easy to propagate. Take softwood cuttings and pot them up. Keep them under cover until they root, and plant them outdoors.
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Sage prefers warm, sunny site with well-drained soil with the pH value of about 6.0 to 6.5, and grows well in containers. It grows up to 24 to 36 inches (60 -90cm). You should space them about 24 to 36 inches (60 -90cm) apart. To keep established plants compact, prune them hard in the spring and pinch out the growing tips during the summer. Sage does not last forever, so when it gets woody or leggy, dig it up and plant fresh. Click here to Understand how to prune plants.
Watering Sage Plant:
Water the Sage plant moderately and that too on a regular schedule. Refrain from over watering the plant or leaving it dry. Know about Perfect time to water the plants.
Sage Pests and Diseases:
Sage is prone to whitefly, spider mites, mealybugs, and powdery mildew. Learn about Types of insect pests in your garden.
Harvesting and Storing Sage:
Protect Sage from cold and damp winter. Since it is evergreen, it will last forever. You can store it in the refrigerator by sealing the leaves in plastic bags. If you wish to store it for longer, dry the leaves, and keep them in the container somewhere away from the light.
Sage Companion:
Sage is an excellent companion plant for rosemary, beans, cabbage and carrots.
Fun facts about Sage:
Sage attracts bees and cabbage butterflies. It repels or distracts cabbage flies and looper, carrot fly, black flea beetle, cabbage maggot and bean parasites.


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