How to grow climbers on ‘moss sticks’

Climbers can make an excellent addition to any garden. They make a beautiful ‘living wall' that not only utilizes space well but also adds an extra dimension to any garden. So when someone enters your precious garden space, they aren't just panning left to right like any old regular space but also up and down in complete marvel. indoor creeper plants Now, some climbers have what you would call vertical supporting appendages, like aerial roots. These help the plant to get right height so that they may get a peek at the sun, especially in the wild in thickly covered forests. However, some climbers don't have such outgrowths but have the assistance of other plants around them in the wild.


8/15/20232 min read

How to grow climbers on ‘moss sticks’
How to grow climbers on ‘moss sticks’

Climbers can make an excellent addition to any garden. They make a beautiful ‘living wall' that not only utilizes space well but also adds an extra dimension to any garden. So when someone enters your precious garden space, they aren't just panning left to right like any old regular space but also up and down in complete marvel.

Now, some climbers have what you would call vertical supporting appendages, like aerial roots. These help the plant to get right height so that they may get a peek at the sun, especially in the wild in thickly covered forests. However, some climbers don't have such outgrowths but have the assistance of other plants around them in the wild.

However, if you bring these plants known as epiphytes like the lovely Monstera deliciosa also called the Swiss Cheese Plant or your philodendrons, they will need some support to grow well and high.

This is where ‘moss sticks or moss poles' come in. These assist epiphyte plants in gaining the height they need and also add a level of sophistication and beauty to your garden. The best part? You don't necessarily have to buy some of the expensive ones off the shelf; you can make them yourself.

Here's how to make moss stick at home: Take a relatively thick and durable wooden stake which will act as the backbone of your moss stick. Surround it with a single layer of wire mesh which is held together with something strong like wooden staples. Plant this assembly snugly into the pot where you intend to grow your climbers and cover the base with a layer of soil.

Finally, you will need some wet sphagnum moss that will fill the space inside the wooden stake and wire mesh contraption. Fill around all the spaces and make sure that the moss fits in nice and snug. At last, your moss stick is now ready!

Even though your task may be done for now but you still have daily maintenance on your to-do list. The most important of which is to mist the sphagnum moss to encourage aerial roots to grow higher and adapt better to it. Place the plant somewhere where there is enough sun but no harsh or direct sunlight. Also, ensure that as you're watering that the water reaches below ground level and percolates nicely into the soil. Finally, try repotting every 2 and a half to three years, to keep the plant thriving beautifully.

With the help of these moss sticks, you finally don't have to shy away from growing epiphyte plants in your home garden. Plus the extra DIY effort involved will make the eventual result feel all the more rewarding. Not just that, but you'll better understand the growing habits and behavior of some of the most beautiful climber plants. It is a win-win situation all round!

Read more: Top 10 houseplants for moss sticks