How to Make a New Bonsai Plant?

This blog is part of our series of blogs on Bonsai. Here we are going to learn about making a fresh new bonsai from a non-bonsai plant. To understand the basics of Bonsai gardening, read ‘Art of making bonsai’ & ‘The magic of Bonsai trees’ Aim: To prepare Bonsai from the available plant. Requirements: Plant, Bonsai container (shallow pot) of appropriate size, soil manure, brick pieces, soil stainers, pruning scissors, potting sticks, plastic mesh, copper wire, wire cutter. Click here to buy mini garden bonsai tools set online in India.


8/11/20232 min read

How to Make a New Bonsai Plant?
How to Make a New Bonsai Plant?

This blog is part of our series of blogs on Bonsai. Here we are going to learn about making a fresh new bonsai from a non-bonsai plant. To understand the basics of Bonsai gardening, read ‘Art of making bonsai’ & ‘The magic of Bonsai trees
Aim: To prepare Bonsai from the available plant.
Requirements: Plant, Bonsai container (shallow pot) of appropriate size, soil manure, brick pieces, soil stainers, pruning scissors, potting sticks, plastic mesh, copper wire, wire cutter.
Click here to buy mini garden bonsai tools set online in India.

Selection of Plants for Bonsai:

Woody tree or shrub species are selected for making Bonsai. The size of leaves, flowers, fruits, trunk with branch arrangements are essential considerations in choosing a particular plant. Bonsai plant raised from seeds will take a long time to train. Hence, layering, cutting or grafting, may be used for Bonsai preparation. Well grown nursery plants are selected for bonsai making.

Following are some essential plants for Bonsai:

Adenium, Bottlebrush, Casuarina, Banyan tree, Ficus Benjamina, Juniper, Malphigia, Mango, Jade, Mini pine tree, Bougainvillea, Jatropha, Murraya, Sterculia, etc.

Procedure for making a new bonsai plant:

Preparation of soil:

  • This is done by sifting the soil through 3 three different sieves to get three different grades of soil. Well-balanced soil mixture for bonsai contains three parts of garden soil, three parts of manures and two parts of broken bricks.

  • The bottom layer (coarse soil or sand) - to facilitate soil drainage.

  • The medium layer of soil mixture (Soil+manure+bricks) for filling the pots.

  • The top layer (fine soil) - giving the finishing touch.

Click here to buy garden soil mix online in India.

Preparation of bonsai:

  • Prepare the plant by removing it from the previous pot. Remove the extra soil from the roots with the help of sticks.

  • Cut off the extra roots without disturbing the primary roots.

  • Prune the shoots depending upon the desired shape.

  • Take washed and dried bonsai pot. Cover the drainage holes with plastic mesh.

  • If it becomes difficult for the plant to stand in the pot, then pass the copper wire through both the drainage holes and through the mesh.

  • Spread bottom soil all over the bottom of a pot, then spread a little medium soil over it.

  • Now keep the prepared plant in position.

  • Tie wire around the root ball and secure its position.

  • Fill medium soil all around the plant almost up to the top.

  • Poke the soil all around with potting sticks to make it compact.

  • Sprinkle excellent topsoil and give the finishing touch to the bonsai. Brush off the excess soil. Watering should be done by immersing the pot in a tub of water.

  • Keep the pot in the tub till the soil is thoroughly soaked.

  • Water the leaves with a sprayer.

  • Keep the plant in semi-shade till new growth appears, then gradually expose to sunlight.

You May Want to Read More About Repotting a Bonsai Plant!
Happy Gardening!