How to take care of flowering shrubs

Flowering shrubs are important because they are available in various shapes, sizes, and forms and even flowers are of different colors and shapes. Possibly the most significant point is that unlike the seasonal flowers, they are perennial in habit, and need a little care. If the proper selection is made the shrubs will provide flowers in the garden round the year. Unlike the trees, most shrubs are quick growing and flower within a year after planting. white flowering shrub Shrubs in your garden may be in various heights from dwarf to tall and thus can be put to various uses in garden. They can be planted in a shrubbery, border or as specimens in lawns and in a landscape. Some shrubs can be grown along the paths in a landscape or near the gateway or the staircase in pots.


8/6/20232 min read

How to take care of flowering shrubs
How to take care of flowering shrubs

My post contentFlowering shrubs are important because they are available in various shapes, sizes, and forms and even flowers are of different colors and shapes. Possibly the most significant point is that unlike the seasonal flowers, they are perennial in habit, and need a little care. If the proper selection is made the shrubs will provide flowers in the garden round the year. Unlike the trees, most shrubs are quick growing and flower within a year after planting.

Shrubs in your garden may be in various heights from dwarf to tall and thus can be put to various uses in garden. They can be planted in a shrubbery, border or as specimens in lawns and in a landscape. Some shrubs can be grown along the paths in a landscape or near the gateway or the staircase in pots.

Selection of flowering shrubs according to sunlight:

Flowering shrubs that require plenty of sunlight (6-8 hours):

Hibiscus, Roses, Cassia biflora, Ixora, Mussaenda, Mussaenda, Golden Rods, Pentas, Portulaca, Periwinkle, Nerium, powder puff, Tabernaemontana, Champa, Lollipop plant, Thevetia, Caesalpinia pulcherrima, Cuphea, Lantana, Galphimia Etc.

Flowering shrubs that can bloom in partial sunlight (3-4 hours):

Geranium, Begonia, Perennial balsam, Dwarf Ixora, Dwarf Pentas, Crossandra, Eranthemum etc.

Even though these plants need little care & maintenance, it’s important to understand the common cultural practices that will give you best results from your flowering shrubs:

Watering the flowering shrubs:

Flowering shrubs should be watered twice a week in winters & every alternate day in summers. Ideal time to water your plants would be early morning or late evening. No watering is needed to your outdoor plants in monsoon season.

Soil & manures for flowering shrubs:

Flowering shrubs should be provided 1:1 mixture of soil & organic manure every 2-3 months. Soil should be well drained & manure could be bio-compost, vermi-compost or cow-dung manure. Read more about what’s inside your regular pot.

Click here to Buy Potting Mixture online in India

Pruning flowering shrubs:

Pinching or topping of apical growing points (shoots) is required when your shrub is young. This keeps your plant bushy with plenty of flowering branches. Remove dead, deceased, decaying branches to keep your plant healthy. Many flowering shrubs are pruned at the end of blooming season to encourage new bloom after season is changed. Many shrubs like Hibiscus require very little or no pruning. Read more about understanding pruning.

Protecting flowering shrubs from pests:

Usually flowering shrubs are attacked by many insects, pests & diseases. Equal mixture of compatible insecticides & fungicides should be sprayed on the plants every month; particularly on the lower side of foliage. Click here to buy plant care products online in India

Staking the plants:

Shrubs in garden, either in pots or on ground need support at least for early days of its life when plant is weak. Selecting proper stakes of wood, plastic or metal & fixing them aesthetically & purposefully to a plant is an art.

Re-potting of flowering shrubs:

Many flowering shrubs do well when grown in pots. However pot of the shrub should be changed every year otherwise roots of that plant will get ‘pot-bound’ which is not a healthy sign. Re-pot your shrub in bigger sized container every year with fresh soil & manure, preferably before the beginning of monsoon season.

Click here to buy pots online in India.

Happy Gardening!