Know Some Organic Herb Gardening Methods

Growing herbs in the garden is a good decision. They are medicinal and offer several health benefits. Apart from that, you can grow them in a confined space without any issues. Therefore, herbs should be your first choice if you have limited space in your terrace or open garden. However, many people are unaware of the gardening methods one should employ to grow organic herbs. Growing a herb garden organically means refraining from using artificial fertilizers, pesticides, and other inorganic materials. Coriander, mint, thyme, and some other herb plants are commonly grown in gardens for cooking purposes. However, you can also grow plants and herbs that are medically gifted, like tulsi, ginger, neem, turmeric, etc., in your terrace or home gardens. This article will look at some of the smart ways and herb garden ideas that can be used to grow herbs organically!


8/10/20233 min read

Know Some Organic Herb Gardening Methods
Know Some Organic Herb Gardening Methods

Growing herbs in the garden is a good decision. They are medicinal and offer several health benefits. Apart from that, you can grow them in a confined space without any issues. Therefore, herbs should be your first choice if you have limited space in your terrace or open garden. However, many people are unaware of the gardening methods one should employ to grow organic herbs.

Growing a herb garden organically means refraining from using artificial fertilizers, pesticides, and other inorganic materials. Coriander, mint, thyme, and some other herb plants are commonly grown in gardens for cooking purposes. However, you can also grow plants and herbs that are medically gifted, like tulsi, ginger, neem, turmeric, etc., in your terrace or home gardens. This article will look at some of the smart ways and herb garden ideas that can be used to grow herbs organically!

How to grow a herb garden organically?

Follow these steps to grow a herb garden organically in your home:

Step 1: Choose a sunny place

Herbs grow quickly if they receive enough sunlight. Find a sunny place in your terrace or garden where no one will disturb their growth.

Step 2: Pot your herbs

After selecting a proper space, select containers with enough drainage vents and big enough to pot your favorite herbs. Plastic mugs, large bottles, empty juice cartons, and other containers can be easily used to grow herbs.

Step 3: Prepare the soil

Your herb garden needs to be grown without the use of chemicals. However, you will still need to provide them with enough nutrition to survive different weather conditions. You can fill half of the container with soil, and the remaining half can be filled with organic compost.

At home, it is easy to create compost using stalks, tea leaves, vegetable remains, egg shells, etc. Creating organic compost at home is a great gardening idea as it is healthy for the herbs and helps you to make the best use of organic waste materials.

You must fill around 75% of the container with a mixture of soil and compost. Sprinkle some water on the soil but don't make it wet or runny. While planting the herbs, the safety of the roots must be prioritized. If the roots are damaged, the herbs will not grow, or their growth will be prolonged.

Step 4: Make drainage arrangements

Before you place the herb containers, place trays beneath them that can store the drained water from the containers.

Gardening tips for growing a herb garden

Follow these gardening tips to grow a herb garden organically:

1. Don't mix the herbs

You will usually select some herbs to plant at home. However, don't plant multiple herbs in the same pot, as some herbs can deter the growth of others.

For example, mint grows quickly and hinders the growth of other plants and herbs. Therefore, it is wiser to plant each herb in a separate pot.

2. Avoid a shady place

Don't plant the herbs in a shady place or under the trees, as they need enough sunlight to grow. If your herbs have long stems with few leaves, it is a sign that they aren't getting enough light.

3. Water the herbs carefully

Watering the herbs regularly is essential for their growth. However, too much water or too little water can deter their growth. The water requirements of different herbs vary; therefore, you must plant herbs with similar water requirements in one place.

4. Clip them regularly

You need to clip the herbs regularly to promote branching. You may clip the herbs and use them for cooking or medicinal purposes. However, don't clip more than one-third of the stems, as it impacts their growth negatively.

5. Choose the herbs wisely

Be prudent while choosing the herbs to grow in your home garden. Curry leaves, lemongrass, mint (pudina), ajwain (carrom plant), dill, parsley, thyme, rosemary, and Indian sorrel are some commonly found herbs in Indian herb gardens. You can grow these herbs easily at your home without putting in much effort.

6. Use organic herb seedlings

Some herb plants, such as fennel, dill, etc., don't transplant quickly. It is also possible to grow herbs from organic herb seedlings. You can get organic seeds from reliable sources to support your home gardening efforts.


These are some herbs that can be a part of your herb garden at home. Use organic compost and refrain from using chemicals and artificial pesticides. You can get the best herb seeds and other gardening tools and accessories from Ugaoo. Visit their website today and get all the essentials required to grow plants and herbs at home!

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