Natural Antifungal Remedies for Fungus Control
Plant diseases come in many varieties, with fungal infections being the most common. Their onset is usually slow. This is different from pest infestations, which can be fast-acting and devastating. The good thing about plant diseases like a fungal infection is that it gives you the time to make a difference before it’s too late. This can work especially well if you recognize some of the symptoms of plant diseases.
8/5/20232 min read
Plant diseases come in many varieties, with fungal infections being the most common. Their onset is usually slow. This is different from pest infestations, which can be fast-acting and devastating.
The good thing about plant diseases like a fungal infection is that it gives you the time to make a difference before it’s too late. This can work especially well if you recognize some of the symptoms of plant diseases.
Why are the leaves browning or yellowing? Why does fruit drop off prematurely? What is that powdery residue on the surface of the leaves? Once you know this, then you can apply the remedies accordingly. Thankfully, most remedies for fighting fungus are natural and will not harm the plants.
With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the most common natural fungicides for plants.:
1. Baking Soda:
You’ll need one tablespoon of baking soda, mixed with a gallon of water and two and a half tablespoons of vegetable oil. Once the mixture is ready, add it to a spray bottle, shake the contents and spray the affected areas.
This remedy works especially well with powdery mildew, leaf blight and anthracnose. So, if you see that your leaves are drooping and prematurely falling, try out this spray.
2. Milk Spray:
Here’s a simpler remedy, probably one of the simplest! Just take one parts milk with nine parts water and presto, you have a natural fungicide.
Milk can change the pH level of the surface of the leaves, which makes it difficult for diseases to culture and grow. It can also be used simply as a preventative measure if you decide to spray it once every week.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar as fungicide on plants- To make a fungicide out of this, take one tablespoon of vinegar and mix it with a gallon of water. Shake this well and add to a spray bottle.
Vinegar mixture can treat most fungal infections on any plant, without causing any harm. Also, if you see any black spots on roses or aspen trees, then use this spray. It will help clear those up.
4. Chamomile tea:
It is no coincidence that something that is good for our health can also heal our plants. Chamomile tea is a highly effective fungicide that can be used to help protect seedlings as they grow. Read about best herbs to cure diabetes naturally.
And if you see some fuzzy white growth on your plant, spray or drizzle them with chamomile tea immediately before the plant’s health deteriorates too much.
5. Cinnamon:
Need a beautiful and natural way of treating damping off disease? Simply sprinkle the seedlings with some cinnamon, and soon your plant will begin to recover.
Like most other effective natural remedies, this is a gentle cure. It does no harm to the vulnerable seedlings or the soil, but it kills the fungus growth efficiently.
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