Top 10 Flowers For Hanging Baskets
The trend of decorating the indoor garden with hanging baskets is gaining popularity. Hanging baskets are most suitable for terrace, balcony & windows as well as any indoor location. For the best looks, selection of right plants is significant. Here is a list of top flowering plants that can be grown in hanging baskets: 1. Begonia: Commonly known as Wax or Bedding Begonias, Annual Begonias proliferate quickly. They fill in containers with attractive frilly flowers. While planting Begonias keep in mind that it needs right location and good watering conditions to grow. In hanging baskets, do not forget to deadhead the old blooms and keep the soil moist. Begonias will bring a huge variety of colours like green, maroon, red, pink and white indoors.
8/15/20232 min read
The trend of decorating the indoor garden with hanging baskets is gaining popularity. Hanging baskets are most suitable for terrace, balcony & windows as well as any indoor location. For the best looks, selection of right plants is significant.
Here is a list of top flowering plants that can be grown in hanging baskets:
1. Begonia:
Commonly known as Wax or Bedding Begonias, Annual Begonias proliferate quickly. They fill in containers with attractive frilly flowers. While planting Begonias keep in mind that it needs right location and good watering conditions to grow. In hanging baskets, do not forget to deadhead the old blooms and keep the soil moist. Begonias will bring a huge variety of colours like green, maroon, red, pink and white indoors.
2. Black Eyed Susan Vine:
This Vine plant is a tender perennial that is also grown as an annual in cool climatic conditions. It is a common houseplant because propagating it from stem cuttings is incredibly simple. The plant features deep green leaves and colors from yellow, white and orange to ivory, red and salmon; all with a black centre.
3. Fuchsia:
The plant flowers with exotic looking, two-toned blooms. Its flowers are unusual in shape and extremely delicate. Fuschia plant needs the right amount of light and semi-sunny area to flourish. While growing Fuchsia you need to avoid overwatering to prevent root rot.
4. Lantana:
Lantanas bloom with verbena-like flowers and have been adored for their extended bloom period. Lantana flowers feature a multitude of colors and can be treated as both annuals and perennials. Grow this plant if you wish to attract hummingbirds and butterflies to your balcony and patios.
5. Lobelia:
Lobelia is an attractive annual herb with a broad range of varieties. The compact plant can be grown from seeds and needs a warm, well-lit area to bloom. Once established, the plant requires minimal care and maintenance.
6. Million Bells:
Million Bells is a dazzling little plant that is a garden must-have. Its bell shaped flowers that resemble Petunias and trailing habitat make it a classy addition to the indoor garden.
7. Portulaca:
Portulaca plant makes a beautiful ground cover. It is a beautiful plant that is easy to grow and spreads very well. The plant loves sunlight and sandy, well-drained soil. Since the cylindrical shape foliage of this plant retains moisture, you need not water it regularly. Portulaca will not only attract butterflies to your garden but will also act as eye-catchers.
8. Pelargonium:
Pelargonium are commonly known as Geranium, is a hardy herbaceous plant. It is easy to grow as long as you provide it with the ideal conditions. When planted in a hanging basket, it needs significant light for blooming but tolerates moderate lighting conditions too.
9. Petunia:
Petunias are a blessing to the container garden. They offer long term color and brighten drab and dull borders with their gorgeous flowers. These flowers are extremely rewarding for hanging baskets as they are sturdy and extremely reliable. Buy Petunia flower seeds online.
10. Sweet Alyssum:
Sweet Alyssum is named so for its lovely fragrance. The best part about the plant is that it self-sows and can provide bright blooms year after year. Flowers grow in clusters and feature pink, salmon, white, purple and yellow colors.
Have you decked up your hanging baskets with any of these plants? Do let us know in the comments section below.
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