Water Loving Plants
Water in excess causes the plants to decay and rot. But there are a few plants that love the damp feet. By planting these, you can quickly turn your water-clogged land into a lovely, colorful garden. Before learning about the plants let us understand what a wetland area is. Land area that is saturated with water either seasonally or permanently is known as the wetland area. It takes on the characteristics of a distinct ecosystem.
8/15/20231 min read

Water in excess causes the plants to decay and rot. But there are a few plants that love the damp feet. By planting these, you can quickly turn your water-clogged land into a lovely, colorful garden.
Before learning about the plants let us understand what a wetland area is. Land area that is saturated with water either seasonally or permanently is known as the wetland area. It takes on the characteristics of a distinct ecosystem.
Water Loving Perennials:
Water hyssop
Elephant’s ear
Swamp sunflower
Scarlet swamp hibiscus
Apart from perennials, some ferns tolerate wet areas and can easily thrive at the edge of ponds. These look good and add elegance to the garden.
Log Fern (Dryopteris Celsa)
Woodwardia Virginica
Royal Fern (Osmunda Regalis)
Cinnamon Fern (Osmunda Cinnamomea)
Toothed Wood Fern (Dryopteris Carthusiana)
Goldie’s Wood Fern (Dryopteris Goldiana)
Sensitive Fern (Onoclea Sensibilis)
Ostrich Fern (Matteuccia Struthiopteris)
A few herbs too love water in abundance. Plant these and add both beauty and health to your green space.
Mint that quickly runs out of control and loves moist areas. You can also limit its spread by growing in containers.
Bee Balm (MonardaDidyma) that attracts bees and hummingbirds. This plant blooms for an extended period.
Redtwig Dogwood (Cornus Stolonifera) is another great shrub that can grow in wet soil with its bright red stems.
Joe-Pye Weed (Eupatorium Purpureum) is a Native American flower that prefers moist soil. The only requirement for a healthy growth of this plant is well-drained soil. The plant blooms pale pink-purple flowers and comes from the sunflower family.


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